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The Scholarship
of the Jagiellonian University

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The Jury of the Scholarship of the Jagiellonian University

The prestige of the Scholarship of the Jagiellonian University is manifested in its aim and the Scholarship’s structure itself. Its uniqueness is emphasized by the choice of members of the Jury.

The Jury has been chosen by the Rector of the Jagiellonian University and is composed of outstanding representatives of science who are employees of the Jagiellonian University and:

  • distinguish themselves in the quality of their academic work, quality based activity, dissemination activities, organizational activity within the faculty and/ or University;
  • are characterized by openness towards students, as well as by an ability to motivate their charges to work independently or in groups; 
  • are able to identify individual skills and talents, and to support their development by means of tailored individual and group work;
  • are appreciated by students;
  • are distinguished experts in their scientific discipline and field of knowledge.

The President of the Student Self-Government of the JU is also a member of the Jury.

The Jury of the Scholarship of the Jagiellonian University is appointed by the Rector for a two-year term of office.

Decision on the appointment of the Jury of the Scholarship of the JU

Members of the Jury of the JU Scholarship

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<i>Prof. dr hab.</i> Piotr Krasny
<i>Prof. dr hab.</i> Artur Michalak
<i>Dr hab.</i> Bartłomiej Dobroczyński, <i>prof. UJ</i>

Faculty of Philosophy

Dr hab. Bartłomiej Dobroczyński, prof. UJ

Dr hab., associate professor in the Institute of Psychology, Head of the Department of General Psychology. Member of the Board of Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics of the Faculty of Philosophy JU, member of the team of the monthly magazine ‘Znak’ and member of the Council for the Equal Treatment at the Office of the Municipality of Krakow. Professor Dobroczyński deals with the history of psychology, psychopathology and psychoanalysis, irrationalism, as well as art and alternative cultural movements.

Author and co-author of multiple books, among others: New Age. Il pensiero di una ‘nuova era’ (1997), Idea nieświadomości w polskiej myśli psychologicznej przed Freudem (2005), Kłopoty z duchowością. Szkice z pogranicza psychologii (2009), Historia polskiej myśli psychologicznej (2009, with Teresa Rzepa), Czyje jest nasze życie? (2017, with Olga Drenda) oraz Niezabliźniona rana Narcyza. Dyptyk o nieświadomości i początkach polskiej psychoanalizy (2018, with Mira Marcinów).

Laureate of the Prize ‘Pro Arte Docendi’ in the academic year 2009/2010 and holder of the Commission of National Education medal, numerous times chosen by students as the best lecturer in the Institute of Psychology.

For many years he has been involved in popularization and journalistic activity, and within its framework he has given numerous interviews for daily newspapers, special editions, magazines and internet portals, such as: "Gazeta Wyborcza", "Wysokie Obcasy", "Wysokie Obcasy Extra", "Polityka", "Newsweek", "Dziennik Polski", "Gazeta Krakowska", "Tygodnik Powszechny", "Znak", "List", "Przegląd Powszechny", "Więź", "W drodze", "ELLE", "Mêlée", "Red", "Liberté",, Professor Dobroczyński has published amonth others in: „Charakterach”, „NaGłosie”, „Tygodniku Powszechnym”, „Więzi”, „Znaku” and specialized journals.

In addition: a fan of music in its various forms, fascinated by, among others things, India, birds and trees. Has trained judo. In his free time, Professor Dobroczyński sketches and plays the piano. He does not have a driving licence, but rides a scooter instead.

<i>Dr hab.</i> Brygida Kuźniak, <i>prof. UJ</i>

Faculty of Law and Administration

Dr hab. Brygida Kuźniak, prof. UJ

Lawyer, employee of the JU with 25 years of practice, Head of the Chair of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration JU, author of several dozens of scientific and didactic studies, a long-time lecturer of workshops in the framework of Ars Docendi, A Week of Teaching Quality and other programmes and workshops organized by the Jagiellonian University. Professor Kuźniak has interned, among others, at the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum and Lomonosov Moscow State University, and she has taken part in various trainings and traineeships, e.g. in institutions of local governments of the city of Essen and the city of Toronto. She is engaged in students’ and PhD candidates’ initiatives and popularization activity (popular science conferences, guest lectures and other), and she has been awarded several times by the Rector for achievements in scientific work.

<i>Dr hab.</i> Paweł Laidler, <i>prof. UJ</i>
<i>Dr hab.</i> Michał Németh, <i>prof. UJ</i>

Faculty of Philology

Dr hab. Michał Németh, prof. UJ

Turcologist and hungarologist, doctor of humanities of linguistics, lecturer at the Institute of Linguistics, Translation Studies and Hungarian Studies of the JU Faculty of Philology. A fellow of the scholarship of Alexander Humboldt’s Foundation at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz in the years 2015-2018 (Institut für Slavistik, Turkologie und zirkumbaltische Studien). Authour of several dozens of scientific articles and several monographs in historical linguistics. He is specializing in research on the history of the Karaim language based on the editions of written resources, on the Slav-Turk-Hungarian contacts and on the history of Hungarian vocabulary. In the years 2012-2019 he was a leader of two scientific projects financed by the National Science Centre. Since February 2019, he is the leader of the European Research Council’s grant (Re)constructing a Bible. A new approach to unedited Biblical manuscripts as sources for the early history of the Karaim language. Member of editioral boards of three scientific journals: Karaite Archives (Poznań), Almanach Karamski (Wrocław) oraz International Journal Of Eurasian Linguistics (Boston, Leiden, Brill publishing house).

Member of Societas Uralo-Altaica (Göttingen,Germany). Laureate of numerous scholarships and prizes, including two scholarships of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young researchers (2015–2018) and holder of Zoltán Gombocz Commemorative Medal and Prize awarded by the Hungarian Liguistics Association to outstanding young linguists.

Full bibliography and scientific biography is available on the website:

<i>Dr hab.</i> Tomasz Żuradzki, <i>prof. UJ</i>

Faculty of Philosophy

Dr hab. Tomasz Żuradzki, prof. UJ

Philosopher, lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy JU and head of the JU Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics (INCET). The main area of his scientific interests is: meta-ethics, practical ethics, including bioethics. He has published in principal international scientific journals in his area of research (among others American Journal of Bioethics, Journal of Medical Ethics, Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Ethics and Information Technology). He is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Diametros” and chief editor of the popular science magazine "Filozofia w Praktyce". Dr Żuradzki is a leader of numerous scientific, publishing and popular science projects, and at present he is leading the BIOUNCERTAINTY project financed by the European Research Council in the framework of the ERC Starting Grant 2018 competition.

<i>Dr</i> Witold Zawadzki

Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science

Dr Witold Zawadzki

Dr Zawadzki is working in the Department of Photonics at the Jagiellonian University’s Institute of Physics. He deals with plasma and ultrafast laser spectroscopy. As he says, in his work he ‘fires plasma with a laser’. His scientific interests include atom optics, photonics and laser technique.

He is a physics teacher in an academic class at the August Witkowski 5th High School in Krakow. He is also engaged in the popularization of physics (popular science lectures, nature workshops, physics competitions, e.g. „Lwiątko", „Świetlik").

Dr Zawadzki is a member of the Polish Physics Association and a co-editor of the journals "Foton" i "Neutrino". In 2018 he has been awarded the JU Rector’s Hugo Kałłątaj’s individual prize and the Prize of the Polish Physics Association for the popularization of Physics and Krzysztof Ernst’s medal.

The President of the Student Self-Government

Katarzyna Jedlińska